Thursday, July 26, 2007

Your favorite hymn (see poll above)

I have installed a poll asking people to choose their favorite hymn that isn't in their church's hymnal (and what hymnal is that?). Personally, of the four I listed, I chose "His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet", which is set to Samanthra in the 1835 Southern harmony but is not in Fremont Baptist's Word Music Inc. 1986 Hymnal for Worship and Celebration. It is a cento, apparently, from the same Joseph Swain poem that yielded "O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight", with which it shares a substantial amount of text, and which is also not in our hymnal.

The chances that many readers will locate their favorite amongst my four nominees is negligible, so this post offers a place to respond with your real answers.


Joseph Botwinick said...

My favorite is "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".

Leland Bryant Ross said...

"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" is a great hymn. I'm curious what tune you think of it to (Hamburg and Rockingham are the commonest, but you may have some other tune in mind), and also I wonder what your church's hymnal is that it doesn't have this one.

Joseph Botwinick said...

Oops...messed up. It is certainly in my hymnal. Sorry.

Leland Bryant Ross said...

That's okay, but what is, then, your favorite hymn that's not in your hymnal, and what is your hymnal, and also, while we're at it, what tune do you prefer for "When I Survey"?

Jerryl said...

Mine, or at least the favorate hymn I can think of at this time is "Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring" or "Here I Am" (Wren).